What We Do

Citizens With Disabilities – Ontario (CWDO) actively promotes the rights, freedoms, and responsibilities of persons with disabilities through community development, social action, and member support and referral.  Our primary activity is public education and awareness about the social and physical barriers that prevent the full inclusion of persons with disabilities in Ontario.

CWDO Position Papers


Attendant Services

Human Rights

Ontario Budgets

CWDO Committees

Coming Soon!

CWDO Webinars

What Are Webinars?

A webinar is a seminar on the web.  CWDO has hosted and led dozens of webinars over the years. On this page you will find a list of webinars, dates and times as they are confirmed. Webinars are held on line, in our accessible on-line conference centre.

Presenters Welcome!

Interested in presenting a topic that you are knowledgeable and passionate about?  Let us know.  Email us at cwdo@tbaytel.net.

CWDO will provide orientation training and support so your presentation will go smoothly, and be accessible to all our members.